Implement Video for Link Building to Boost your SEO Efforts

As everyone has kicked off the New Year, most of them look forward to boost their SEO efforts. Bringing about more diversity in your efforts is the most relevant thing and you can accomplish it by including a video in your link building armory. As content marketing persists to be extremely important, it’s not at all about resources or articles. It needs to be a bit tricky to drive more traffic and increase existing customer base.

In a recent study it has been observed that audiences get attracted to those contents easily, which include videos in them. Nearly 85.5% of US audience observed to view some sorts of online video, with hardly being five minutes of length. Apparently, video content is popular with viewers. In fact, the video of ‘Gangnam Style’ was the most popular video of 2012, which got viewed by millions of users. Reap benefits from this opportunity in order to engage your target audiences.

Link Building
Link Building

I have given three ways by which you can use video for your SEO activities.

Video Infographics: Everyone is familiar with the info-graphic boom dominating the market. Social media encountered the use of infographics on a greater extent.

While some sorts of high-quality info-graphics still have success, why to follow the trail that everyone is following? Let’s implement something new that worked well to attract customers. Hence, considering to create a video info-graphic is really gonna help you a lot. A good way to do so is to take an existing info graphic that was popular in the past and get an animator turn the stuff into an amusing short film. Don’t just stop with re-creating previous infographics. If you have got a list of ideas, turn them into reality. This also doesn’t require breaking your bank. Within an affordable budget you can implement the ideas.

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Add Videos in Landing Pages: By just adding a video to your landing pages, you can attract more visitors. With addition of a consumer review film, you can enhance the product page on a greater extent.

Many of the brands are out there, which implement this tricky idea. An approach like this, work best to enlarge the conversion rate of your product page not just by advertising the artifact in action, but also adding the essential element of influence.

Video offers the prospect to actually showcase your product or brand in a helpful an amusing way that truly oscillates with your potential customers. Rather than just understanding a dry page of advantages, watching it in action is considered much more influential motivator for customers.

Video Resources: Just like manuals, articles and tips related content; you can add a video resource to your page. Letting people see rather than telling, is the main point here. Your sales will get increased and will also help in further SEO activities.

Ways to come up with video content:

  • Look at existing content
  • Look at your FAQs
  • Turn to your customers
  • Do a YouTube search
  • Look at your sales pages
  • Turn to social media
  • Look at your competitors

We manage the video link building in accordance with our experts and SEO specialists. iSearch Solution helps you get in front of the competition and provide your link-building efforts a required boost.