Four Tips you should know to Prevent Google Panda Impact

The online world is now buzzing with the newer version of Panda Update that Google has announced lately to roll out. Panda Update is actually a filter that has been formulated to penalize thin or shallow content from ranking well.

Though the exact date of this update hasn’t been finalized, but yes it’s going to hit soon. It is estimated that about 3 to 5 percent queries will be affected.

Sites with High Quality will Rank Well, While Others will Bear the Heat of Penalty

Well, the rollout means those who were penalized by Panda earlier have a chance to surface, if they accommodate to the right changes. So, if your site was hit by Panda, made changes to your site, if those were good by the end of the week, you may see an increase in your traffic!

This latest update simply means that the new sites which haven’t hit by it might get affected. If you have observed a sudden decrease in traffic this week from Google, or observe one in upcoming days, it means the latest Panda Update has hit you.

Ways to Prevent Panda Effect

#1- Set aside Low Quality Content: Well, the foremost yet most important thing you can possibly do is to keep aside all spinned or auto-generated content. Block the crawling as well as indexing of all poor quality content to avoid sudden dop down in your ranking. Poor quality content can invite algorithm to thrash your entire site even if a major part of your content is unique yet meaningful.

See also  Follow these Tips and Make your Site Panda-Proof

#2- Concentrate on Unique Content: As we all are familiar with the fact that Panda is aimed to differentiate among content farm and those sites that duplicate and steal. That simply means to prevent it from blacklisting your site, you should focus on unique content and stop stealing or duplicating other’s content.

#3- Keep your Ad Ratio Hale and Hearty: Sure everyone pays for ads, but don’t overdo that. Choose healthy advertising not just a bombardment of ads that show your products or services on each page of sites. Practicing a healthy ad not just is good with Panda but add to your reader’s experience as well.

#4 Identify and Track Down Panda Updates: Site that are affected by Panda display massive changes particularly the page views. While using Google Analytics you will find out an epic fall in the traffic which is of course the evident sign of Panda.

If you are an unfortunate victim of it, you can implement the changes stated above and ask Google to restore your site’s ranking.